ALL Things Infection Prevention coming your way...
Designed for IC, IP, DON and more!
Date in September 12, 2025 in Irving Texas
Read what attendees had to say about last year...
All presenters did a great job!
The legal topic was very helpful - as a nurse you do not always think of Infection Prevention from a legal perspective.
The kindness of the people. Engaging content in a non intimidating atmosphere
The food was great and the speakers were all very good.
All the information was very thorough. The whole seminar ran very smoothly. Also, I enjoyed all the food!! That really really helped! And getting out by meeting the goals efficiently is always appreciated. |
The ability to learn from various perspectives. I am new to infection control therefore, a big portion of content is new to me. |
Surgical Care Affiliates East Tower-Floor B2 5221 N O'Connor Blvd, Irving, TX 75039 Mustang Room
$200 for TASCS Members $300 for Non-Member
Get in front of this intimate crowd and provide your expertise on this important topic. Limited spots available!
8:00 am - 4:00 pm
September 12, 2025
Earn CASC, CAIP and CNE credit!
6.0 hours of AEUs and up to 6.0 hours of IPCHs