Support the Texas Ambulatory Surgery Center Society

TASCS offers a variety of sponsorship options, which can help you gain exposure in the world of ambulatory care.

  • Illustrate your partnership within the ASC industry and publicize your acclaim amongst your peers
  • Strategically showcase your products and services to the ASC market
  • Gain access to the physicians, administrators, owners, materials managers, nursing directors, and billing staff at ASCs of all types and sizes
  • Reach key decision-makers at ASCs across Texas
  • Stay in front of your current and future customers year-round
  • Subscription to TASCS Center Beat Newsletter and industry alerts that keep vendors aware of issues that are important to prospective customers, as well as a vendor highlight and logo within the newsletters 
  • Showcase your industry experts at the virtual bi-weekly town halls or receive an invitation for a conference speaking opportunity
  • Intimate Opportunities to gain access to key decision makers 
  • Exhibiting (and more!) at the TASCS conference
  • Access to members-only forum to address topics that are important to ASCs.
  • Increased visibility for digital ad tracking and building your referral network
  • Visibility in the TASCS website vendor search 


Download the full prospectus Here
Sign up for annual sponsorship now


MEMBERSHIP to PLATINUM - Benefits for All!

  • Connect directly with ASCs
  • Showcase your industry experts at the virtual bi-weekly town halls or receive an invitation for a conference speaking opportunity
  • Exhibiting (and more!) at the TASCS conference
  • Access to our members-only forum
  • Increased visibility for digital ad tracking and building your referral network



Download the full prospectus here
Sign up for annual sponsorship now




If annual sponsorship isn't right for you, select from our à la carte options:

Sign up here for à la carte



The TASCS annual conference is an opportunity to showcase your company to ASCs in Texas. Attendees come from all over Texas and some of the top-performing ASCs to receive valuable education and networking. 

  • Annual sponsorships receive conference benefits, including an exhibit table with premium placements, reflected below.

  • Companies can also Exhibit Only (Member and Non Member Rates in chart)



After securing your exhibit table, you can add on more exposure!

Visit the conference page for more information and additional options



Sponsorship FAQ

 How do I know what is right for my company? 

  • Annual sponsorship options give you year-round benefits WITH conference exhibits. Annual sponsors get premium recognition at the TASCS annual conference and distinct marketing opportunities, all in one package.
  • Conference exhibit only still gives you in-person exposure at the conference with exhibit table. You can also add on conference à la carte options available on the conference page to enhance your exposure. 
    • Non-TASCS members receive a rate of $2,500 per exhibit table
    • Professional TASCS Members (without annual sponsorship) receive a reduced conference exhibit table rate of $1,750
    • Annual Sponsorship do not pay for exhibit tables!
  • à la carte options provide short bursts of exposure based on your selection

What kind of exposure am I receiving? 

    • TASCS members - over 250 ASCs
    • TASCS email database - over 3,000 contacts
    • TASCS website visitors - over 1 million impressions annually
    • Banner ad under "Our Sponsors" - an average of over 40,000 impressions annually with a 0.8% click rate
    • TASCS Center Beat monthly e-newsletter - delivered to over 550 member contacts with an open rate of 14% and click-through rate of 5.4%
    • TASCS social channels - combined 6,000 average impressions per month
    • TASCS town hall - find more information here   

What are the specs and due dates for deliverables? 

  • Specs are including on the full prospectus or on the charts above. 
  • Due dates are based on deliverables and will be communicated with each sponsor. Conference items have a shorter due date. 

What kind of member access is available to me? 

  • Members receive full contact details for TASCS Members

What is the Vendor Directory?

What is the TASCS Blog and how does it benefit my company?

  • The TASCS Blog receives over 500+ views and is shared on TASCS Social Channels and the Monthly Newsletter, TASCS Center Beat
  • Contribution to the blog allows companies to share their expertise and different hot topics in the industry. 
  • Write an (up to) 1,500 word article pertaining to the ASC Industry and let us do the rest. 

What benefit is from the TASCS Town Hall?

  • Find more information here   
  • Annual sponsors that are already signed up and have paid can pick their preferred dates for the Town Halls on this form

How do I sign up?